Lidar [Melodic]

Lidar and SLAM for R1mini in ROS1 Melodic

Running the Lidar (YDLIDAR)

Download package

In the command line in the ~/catkin_ws/src directory, run the below code to clone the R1mini package to use the lidar.

$ git clone

Next, return to ~/catkin_ws/ and run the below two lines.

$ catkin build
$ source ~/.bashrc

Running the Lidar (YDLIDAR)

Run the below command to run the lidar separately. Note, when the omo_r1mini_robot.launch command is run, the lidar will be activated too and these following steps are not necessary.

Only run this command if omo_r1mini_robot.launch is not running. This command will also activate the lidar.

$ roslaunch omo_r1mini_bringup omo_r1mini_lidar.launch

The terminal output should look something like the image above. An error may occur like above, give the robot a few seconds, and you should be able to hear the lidar turn on, see the green text above, and value outputs in grey.

Video Demonstration

View the video demonstration for this page with this link:

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