Running R1mini

Running Omorobot R1mini

R1mini Basics

The below page provides a tutorial on the basics of using the R1mini, including turning the robot on and off, charging the robot, and setting UDEV.

pageR1mini Basics [Melodic]

Remote Control

The below page provides a tutorial on setting up both the robot and your computer, discussing IP addresses and ifconfig.

pageRemote Control [Melodic]

Basic Movement

The below page provides a tutorial on how to control the R1mini, including instructions on roscore, bringup.launch and keyboard control with teleop.

pageBasic Movement [Melodic]


The below page provides a tutorial on how to download and run either an HLDS lidar or YDLIDAR with the R1mini.

pageLidar [Melodic]


The below page provides a tutorial on how to perform SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) with either a YDLIDAR or HLDS Lidar with the R1mini.

pageSLAM [Melodic]

The below page provides a tutorial on how to perform autonomous navigation with the R1mini.

pageNavigation [Melodic]


The below page provides a tutorial on how to download and use the camera package for the R1mini.

pageCamera [Melodic]

Object Recognition with YOLO

The below page provides a tutorial on how to download and run YOLO (You Only Look Once), a convolutional neural netowkr (CNN) that is ROS-ompatible and can be used to detect and recognize objects.

pageObject Recognition with YOLO [Melodic]

Last updated