Camera [Melodic]

Controlling the Camera on the R1mini

Download package

When receiving your R1mini, this package should already be downloaded. To run the camera, move to the next section titled "Run Camera".

First make sure you are in the ~/catkin_ws/src directory. Then, download the cv-bridge by entering the below code to the terminal shell.

$ sudo apt install ros-melodic-cv-bridge*

Next, run the below code to install the Camera package from Github for the R1mini.

$ git clone

Next, move to ~/catkin_ws. Then, build the package on your robot by running the following code. This process may take a minute or two.

$ catkin build jetson_camera

If you have an error when running the above code, continue reading this section, if not, run source ~/.bashrc in the terminal shell and move on to "Run Camera".

If there was an error, enter the below command in the terminal shell.

$ sudo nano /opt/ros/melodic/share/cv_bridge/cmake/cv_bridgeConfig.cmake

Then, scroll down to line 94 and replace the line that reads set (_include_dirs "include;/usr/include;/usr/include/opencv") to the below line.

_include_dirs "include;/usr/include;/usr/local/include/opencv"

Next, run the below line.

$ source ~/.bashrc

Run Camera

To run the camera, run the below line in the command line. You can use autocomplete by pressing "Tab".

$ roslaunch jetson_camera jetson_camera.launch

To see the view from the camera, run the below line in a new terminal tab to open rqt_image_view.

$ rqt_image_view

Running rqt_image_view, a pop-up GUI should appear like above and display the view from the jetson camera.

Last updated